A. 英语小说阅读《羊脂球》选文
Some detachments rapped at each door, then disappeared into the houses. It was occupation after invasion. Then the ty commences for the conquered to show themselves gracious toward the conquerors1.
After some time, as soon as the first terror disappears, a new calm is established. In many families, the Prussian officer eats at the table. He is sometimes well bred and, through politeness, pities France, and speaks of his repugnance2 in taking part in this affair. One is grateful to him for this sentiment; then, one may be, some day or other, in need of his protection. By treat-ing him well, one has, perhaps, a less number of men to feed. And why should we wound anyone on whom we are entirely3 dependent? To act thus would be less bravery than temerity4. And temerity is no longer a fault of the commoner of Rouen, as it was at the time of the heroic defense5, when their city became famous. Final-ly, each told himself that the highest judgment6 of French urbanity required that they be allowed to be polite to the strange soldier in the house, provided they did not show themselves familiar with him in public. Outside they would not make themselves known to each other, but at home they could chat freely, and the German might remain longer each evening warming his feet at their hearthstones.
The town even took on, little by little, its ordinary aspect. The French scarcely went out, but the Prussian soldiers grumbled7 in the streets. In short, the officers of the Blue Hussars, who dragged with arrogance8 their great weapons of death up and down the pavement, seemed to have no more grievous scorn for the simple citizens than the officers or the sportsmen who, the year before, drank in the same cafes.
There was nevertheless, something in the air, something subtle and unknown, a strange, intolerable atmosphere like a penetrating9 odor, the odor of invasion. It filled the dwellings10 and the public places, changed the taste of the food, gave the impression of being on a journey, far away, among barbarous and dangerous tribes.
The conquerors exacted money, much money. The inhabitants always paid and they were rich enough to do it. But the richer a trading Norman becomes the more he suffers at every outlay11, at each part of his fortune that he sees pass from his hands into those of another.
Therefore, two or three leagues below the town, following the course of the river toward Croisset, Dieppedalle, or Biessart mariners12 and fishermen often picked up the swollen13 corpse14 of a German in uniform from the bottom of the river, killed by the blow of a knife, the head crushed with a stone, or perhaps thrown into the water by a push from the high bridge. The slime of the river bed buried these obscure vengeances, savage15, but legitimate16, unknown heroisms, mute attacks more perilous17 than the battles of broad day, and without the echoing sound of glory.
For hatred18 of the foreigner always arouses some intrepid19 ones, who are ready to die for an idea.
Finally, as soon as the invaders20 had brought the town quite under subjection with their inflexible21 discipline, without having been guilty of any of the horrors for which they were famous along their triumphal line of march, people began to take courage, and the need of trade put new heart into the commerce of the country. Some had large interests at Havre, which the French army occupied, and they wished to try and reach this port by going to Dieppe by land and there embarking22.
They used their influence with the German soldiers with whom they had an acquaintance, and finally, an authorization23 of departure was obtained from the General-in-chief.
Then, a large diligence, with four horses, having been engaged for this journey, and ten persons having engaged seats in it, it was resolved to set out on Tuesday morning before daylight, in order to escape observation.
For some time before, the frost had been hardening the earth and on Monday, toward three o'clock, great black clouds coming from the north brought the snow which fell without interruption ring the evening and all night.
;B. 英语短篇小说解读目录
Unit 1: Introction - Reading the Short Story to Discover Meaning
In this section, the focus is on Anton Chekhov's "A Wicked Boy". The aim is to guide the reader in understanding the narrative and its underlying meaning through careful reading and analysis of the text.
Unit 2: Desire - "My Oedipus Complex" by Frank O'Connor and "Feuille d'Album" by Katherine Mansfield
Desire is a recurring theme in short stories. In "My Oedipus Complex" by Frank O'Connor, the protagonist's complex desire drives the narrative, while "Feuille d'Album" by Katherine Mansfield explores a woman's desire for a sense of belonging and identity.
Unit 3: Man and Woman - "The Chaser" by John Collier
This unit delves into the dynamics of relationships between men and women, as portrayed in "The Chaser" by John Collier. The story highlights the power dynamics and the societal expectations placed on these characters.
Unit 4: Marriage and Family - "The Story of an Hour" by Kate Chopin and "Unstuck" by John Updike
The exploration of marriage and family relationships continues with "The Story of an Hour" by Kate Chopin, which examines the impact of a sudden realization on a woman's life, and "Unstuck" by John Updike, which explores the complexities of family dynamics.
Unit 5: Capital and Commodity - "Love Is a Fallacy" by Max Shulman, "The £1,000,000 Bank-Note" by Mark Twain, and "The Rocking-Horse Winner" by D. H. Lawrence
This unit focuses on the interplay between capital, commodities, and human relationships. "Love Is a Fallacy" by Max Shulman critiques the modern love market, while "The £1,000,000 Bank-Note" by Mark Twain explores the consequences of a sudden windfall. "The Rocking-Horse Winner" by D. H. Lawrence delves into the obsession with material wealth and its impact on the protagonist.
Unit 6: Society and Tradition - "The Boarding House" by James Joyce, "Senor Payroll" by William E. Barrett, and "The Lottery" by Shirley Jackson
The exploration of societal norms and traditions in short stories continues. "The Boarding House" by James Joyce presents a critique of societal expectations, "Senor Payroll" by William E. Barrett explores the impact of societal norms on personal choices, and "The Lottery" by Shirley Jackson delves into the dark underbelly of tradition.
Unit 7: Racial Conflict - "Mr. Know-All" by Somerset Maugham
This unit examines the theme of racial conflict, as depicted in "Mr. Know-All" by Somerset Maugham. The story highlights the complexities of racial tensions and the prejudices that exist within society.
Unit 8: Reality and Representation - "The Last Leaf" by O. Henry, "Jacob's Chicken" by Milos Macourek, and "Continuity of Parks" by Julio Cortazar
This section explores the tension between reality and representation in short stories. "The Last Leaf" by O. Henry delves into the power of illusion, "Jacob's Chicken" by Milos Macourek examines the role of perception in shaping reality, and "Continuity of Parks" by Julio Cortazar explores the boundaries between reality and fiction.
Unit 9: Man vs. Nature - "To Build a Fire" by Jack London
The final unit focuses on the theme of man versus nature, as portrayed in "To Build a Fire" by Jack London. The story highlights the struggle between an indivial and the harsh, unforgiving forces of nature.
For further critical analysis, refer to the following websites:
C. 英语短文阅读 | 6篇超经典短篇阅读助你提升英语语感
by 雷·布莱伯利
“The Last Night of the World”讲述了一个温柔的故事,开头一句话就让人心动:“如果这是世界的最后一晚,你会做些什么?”
by 玛格丽特·阿特伍德
by 唐纳德·巴塞尔姆
by 欧内斯特·海明威
by 安东·契诃夫
by 弗拉基米尔·纳博科夫
D. 推荐6篇超经典的英语短篇小说,几分钟就能读完,马上读起来!
1. 《入职介绍》(Orientation) by 丹尼尔·奥罗斯科(Daniel Orozco)
2. 《一小时的故事》(The Story of an Hour) by 凯特·肖邦(Kate Chopin)
3. 《如何成为一名作家》(How to Become a Writer) by 洛丽·摩尔(Lorrie Moore)
4. 《学校》(The School) by 唐纳德·巴塞尔姆(Donald Barthelme)
5. 《征兆与象征》(Symbols and Signs) by 弗拉基米尔·纳博科夫(Vladimir Nabokov)
6. 更多经典英语短篇小说资源链接:pan..com/s/1gfD2oC... 密码: p5ru